Route 22 Detour Miller/Benchwood
The bus stops for Route 22 Southbound on Miller Lane between Benchwood and Stop 8 Road will be closed due to a detour.
The bus stops for Route 22 Southbound on Miller Lane between Benchwood and Stop 8 Road will be closed due to a detour.
A message from Greater Dayton RTA
Public transportation is an essential service during these times of crisis—without it, thousands in the Dayton region cannot access critical jobs in the health care, grocery, cleaning, pharmacy, and first-responder fields. RTA buses carry 30,000 people each day. For many, RTA is the only option they have to access critical life-sustaining medical appointments, grocery and pharmacy stores.
What service is RTA providing today
Our team is committed to providing this critical link and will persevere and provide the highest level of service possible based upon the realities of each day going forward. We ask all customers to follow state guidelines, which include wearing a face covering aboard all public transit and in all public transit facilities. This includes RTA buses and facilities.
Today, RTA is offering all regularly-scheduled fixed-route, paratransit, and On-Demand services.
We encourage all our customers and employees to follow the recommendations of health experts. Frequent hand washing, social distancing, wearing a face covering, and following the guidelines as outlined by the Centers for Disease Control are encouraged. On the bus and in public, please keep as much space between you and others as possible by utilizing social distancing. Customers should be fare-ready when they board, making sure they have their fare in hand when the bus doors open, and use exact change or a bus pass when possible to speed up the boarding process.
Every bus is undergoing additional cleaning and sanitizing every 24-hours. This includes our maintenance team stepping up the cleaning of all high-touch points, such as hand and grab rails, the fare box, and seat back frames. In addition, extra efforts are being made at all of RTA’s facilities to clean and sanitize, with extra emphasis put on high-touch points, such as door handles and handrails. While businesses are currently open inside Wright Stop Plaza’s transit center, customers are being asked to carry-out their orders in order to comply with Gov. Mike DeWine’s regulations.
Additional staff, primarily bus operators, have stepped in to assist with cleaning and sanitizing our facilities and buses. You may see these operators as well as Transit Ambassadors wiping down surfaces when the bus is at a transit center or layover. These efforts help keep our buses sanitized while they remain in service.
In addition to the efforts keeping our vehicles and facilities clean, we have distributed personal hand sanitizer for use by all employees while at RTA, disinfectant wipes for work surfaces, and some individual hand wipes for bus drivers to carry with them. Cleaning supplies are also available in bus garages. Vinyl gloves and masks have been provided to all employees, with additional amounts of each to customer-facing employees. Custodial teams at all in all our employee only facilities are making additional efforts to keep high-touch point areas clean.
We've installed a curtain barrier drivers are encourage to use while the vehicle is stopped in order to minimize contact while customers use the fare box. These curtains are meant to be used when customers are boarding and alighting, and not while the vehicle is in motion.
We appreciate the commitment of our employees and the patience and support of the community as we face this unprecedented crisis together.
• Social distancing: Practice social distancing by keeping space between you and other people, including our drivers and employees. Please stay behind the yellow line behind the driver's seat while onboard to give our drivers space.
• Be fare-ready: You can help limit contact with the driver and others by being fare-ready. Have exact change when possible and have it ready in your hand before the bus doors open. Quickly put the money into the fare box and move to an empty seat. Use a bus pass for quicker boarding.
• Stay home: This is the simplest way to stop the spread of COVID-19. Stay home if you're not essential personnel, in need of essential supplies, or going to a medical appointment.
• Cover your cough or sneeze: Cough or sneeze into a tissue, then throw that tissue in the trash. If you don’t have a tissue, use your elbow, and not your hands.
• Wash your hands: Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
• Don’t touch your face: Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
March 24, 2021
“V for vaccination!” The Greater Dayton Regional Transit Authority is making it easy for people to get a free ride to their COVID-19 vaccination appointment following the expansion of eligibility to include those age 16 and older by Public Health- Dayton and Montgomery County.
March 15, 2021
The Greater Dayton Regional Transit Authority is expanding its vaccination transportation program by offering a free shuttle beginning March 16th.
March 9, 2021
The Greater Dayton Regional Transit Authority will expand its program offering rides free of charge to any Montgomery County resident in need of transportation to a COVID-19 vaccination appointment to include its regular fixed-route buses, effective immediately.
March 3, 2021
The Greater Dayton Regional Transit Authority is offering rides at no charge to any Montgomery County resident in need of transportation to a COVID-19 vaccination appointment.
February 1, 2021
The Greater Dayton RTA will continue to require all customers and employees to wear a face covering aboard all vehicles and in all facilities in accordance with the new national order by President Joe Biden requiring masks on all public transportation systems, rail, and van, bus and motorcoach service providers to mitigate the risk of COVID-19.
July 22, 2020
WDTN Channel 2: COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH)– Governor Mike DeWine has issued a mask mandate for all Ohio counties starting Thursday at 6 p.m.
July 2, 2020
Beginning Friday, July 3, the Greater Dayton RTA will require all customers and employees to wear a face covering in order to meet a new city of Dayton mandate that requires all riders of public transit, rideshare programs, and taxis to wear a mask.
May 2, 2020
Dayton Daily News article: Management at the Greater Dayton RTA say their employees have gone the extra mile during the COVID-19 pandemic to keep the city safe and moving.
April 1, 2020
Dayton Daily News article: DAYTON — For the most part in recent weeks, the routine has not changed for Juan Jones, who has driven buses for Greater Dayton RTA for 15 years. He has noticed fewer riders and less traffic on the roads since Gov. Mike DeWine issued the stay-at-home order March 22. He also has seen more gratitude from the riders.
March 23, 2020
(DAYTON, Ohio)… Ohio Governor Mike DeWine has established many essential services during this national crisis, including the services of RTA.
March 16, 2020
(DAYTON, Ohio)… From RTA CEO Mark Donaghy during a press conference March 16, 2020, with leaders from across Montgomery County regarding the recent COVID-19 pandemic: