Route 22 Detour Miller/Benchwood
The bus stops for Route 22 Southbound on Miller Lane between Benchwood and Stop 8 Road will be closed due to a detour.
The bus stops for Route 22 Southbound on Miller Lane between Benchwood and Stop 8 Road will be closed due to a detour.
For Immediate Release
MEDIA CONTACT: Jessica Olson (937) 425-8352, Communications Manager
(DAYTON, OHIO) … The Miami Valley community is invited to ride for free on all RTA buses and RTA Connect paratransit services all day on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Monday, January 20. RTA buses will operate on a Saturday service schedule in observance of the holiday, except for The Flyer, which will run regular weekday service.
The RTA is a sponsor of the MLK Dayton events and will provide free shuttle service between the Dayton Convention Center and the Dr. Charles R. Drew Health Center at 1323 W. Third Street for anyone participating in the Dayton MLK Memorial March and Rally. The event starts at 10 a.m., with the march beginning at the Charles R. Drew Health Center. At the end of the march and rally, RTA will run shuttle service from approximately 10:50 a.m.- 2:40 p.m.
Due to the march, there will be rolling roadblocks throughout downtown Dayton. There will be intermittent service delays and reroutes on Routes 1, 2, 4, 8, 19, and The Flyer, as the march progresses between approximately 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. There will also be temporary closures of some stops when the march is on Main Street and Fifth Street. A temporary stop for The Flyer will be placed at St. Clair Street and Fifth Street to accommodate the Transportation Garage.